Past Concerts

2012/2013 season

Lent Concert

The Dome, Murray Edwards
Saturday 2nd March 2013, 19:30

Soloist: Adrian Ball
Conductors:  Sophie Fennerty, Joe Donlan

Rossini  The Barber of Seville
Vaughan Williams Mystical Songs
Bizet L’Arlesienne Suite No. 1
Schubert  Symphony No.8 (Unfinished)

Michaelmas Film Music Concert

Auditorium, Fitzwilliam College 
Saturday 3rd November 2012, 18:00

A selection of music from the movies, including Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Star Wars

Michaelmas Saint-Saens Concert

The Chapel, Churchill College 
Sunday 18th November 2012, 14:30

Soloist: Edward Lilley
Conductors:  Sophie Fennerty

Saint-Saens  Symphony No. 3, “Organ”

2011/2012 season

Lent Concert

The Dome, Murray Edwards
Saturday 3rd March 2012, 19:30

*Soloist: Lliam Paterson
Conductors:  Yarden Brody, Joe Donlan, Francis Knights, Sophie Fennerty

Beethoven  Egmont Overture
Vaughan Williams English Folk Song Suite
Ivan Moody Linnunlaulu Piano Concerto*
Mendelssohn  Symphony No. 3

Michaelmas Concert

Dining Hall, Churchill College 
Saturday 19th November 2011, 19:30

*Soloist: Lydia Murphy
Conductors:  Sophie Fennerty, Mark Miller

Mendelssohn  Hebrides Overture
Vaughan Williams The Lark Ascending*
Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 2